Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - Marianne Williamson

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Random Thoughts - from me...Nooooooo

Random thoughts - just one of the talents I offer.  Another is sarcasm but most of the time it's friendly.  If it's not there's a long silence spreading out between me and a listener.  It's at such times that I can't think of anything nice to say and the old saying, "If you can't say nothing nice then don't say nothing at all" is best for all parties involved.

I titled this random thoughts because there's a lot going on around me and to put complete focus into all of that...just won't happen.  Maybe I could have titled it "Catching Readers Up" but then I'd have to change the first paragraph of the blog.  So we'll just leave it as it is and continue on with the random nature of my thinking.

I can breath again!!!  Though, sadly, not long without the handy dandy little inhaler I now pocket alongside my cell phone - and lose just as frequently. I never thought I'd revel in the fact that I could walk to the barn and back twice without losing my breath but around last Thursday that's where I was.  I had the check up and Doc thought my lungs sounded good and I'm gonna take his word on that one.  Unfortunately, he added that the complete recovery time can sometimes last a year.  Not exactly what I wanted to hear but it could be worse.  He recommended I get back to my life but just take it easy if there's even the slightest pressure on my chest.  So...I'm back in the saddle!!  Yay me!!!  Not riding as long or as hard as I'd like but I don't hear the horses complaining too much yet.  Riding NMRA is on hold and I missed a horse show last week that I'd offered to help and even compete in.  There's another this weekend and I should have no trouble showing up to that.  When I emailed a friend that I would be there to help she emailed back, "But you will be able to ride barrels right?"  I sure hope so.  I'm planning to ride in all of the show and then hit a jackpot Saturday night but we're gonna take it one step at a time.

Ginger, our orphan foal, is looking better all the time.  Little Ginger was four days without her mother when she was brought to us and for the first week of her life I honestly didn't know if she'd make it or not.  Since then there's still been days where a little more work was needed to keep her going.  The four days I was grounded to the house I watched from the window as she was led around the pasture to get her some exercise.  She was like watching a stick puppet being animated by her handler.  Now, finally, she has some meat on her bones and a sparkle in her eye.  She also has a cunning about her now as twice she's been found on the outside of her pen. As far as getting her caught up, that may take some time and patience is key.  Isn't it always though?

Merlin - the yearling paint - has his own pen now and I've been able to work with him some in the last week.  As it's mostly ground work, it is a little tiring on the rarely attacked but still attacked lung but he's coming around nicely and isn't complaining about the lack of hard work either.

The show goats and show sheep are getting some nice size on them.  There's still over a month until the county fair so the sheep may have to go on a diet while the goats get second helpings.  Yes, there's often dirty looks exchanged between goat and sheep pens when it comes time to meals.  I'm sure sometimes the sheep are conspiring many a wicked notion...if only they could get through that fence.

Ole Red - the show steer - also known as Grrr Beef is upset with his current situation.  We took Luna - the show heifer- to visit the bull for a week thus leaving Red all alone.  Sure, granted he has all the feed and water to himself but he's a lonely lonely fella and has resorted to trying to make conversation across the fence with Ole Elmer - a horse that has more than earned his retirement status.  It's been a desperate attempt on Red's part as Elmer never was the conversationalist type.

In May the decision was made and I am taking some time off of teaching.  At the end of the school year I had one more field trip with the FFA, chaperoning horse school in Albuquerque, and camps to bring kids home from.  The nephews returned to my abode while my sister works and so my future was put on hold while I saw to everything else.  Just when I had some time to decide what I wanted to be when I grow up the pneumonia hit and knocked my thinking out cold.  We'll call that a medical stall.  Now there's no excuses and I have to settle myself down and decide what I'm going to do with my little ole self and the future of my little ole self.

Last of the random thoughts aka catching up the readers:  When word got out I'd started a blog I was asked by friends and family members alike that I not mention their names in the blog.  God has placed some wonderful people in my life.  There's been people that enlightened me, confused and baffled me, dazzled and stunned me, and I've loved each and every one of them.  So the thought of not sharing them with the world may be a bit of a challenge.  I have told myself long ago I wouldn't mention names when writing about people close to me or even change the names to protect the innocent.  You might recall the story of the duck I learned from my New York Barrel Racing Friend.  Her real name shall be kept between she and I and I will continue to try and keep the anonymity in anyone I might write about.  This I so solemnly pledge.  And there's always the comment box so anyone can comment and say, "That's not how I remember it, Shorty!"

And thus ends the randomness of the day but not of the blog...no...never of the blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Soo glad you're feeling better Clara! Miss y'all. Love reading your blog..keep it up :o)
