Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - Marianne Williamson

Friday, November 2, 2012

2012 Election Year - Do I approve the messages?

Gonna write this before the whole thing is over.  It's going to look bitter and it might be - I might be a little bitter.  I think this election - in its entirety - has been the worst election EVER.  I'm still proud to be American but some of the things I've seen this year have been shameful and maybe it serves as a reminder that people are not quite as evolved as they'd like to think they are.  The pack mentality, the rising of adrenaline in the blood and the mindless fervor that takes overIt's all about reality TV!

The media has loved it - have eaten it up and controlled it in as much as they are able to.  It's become this huge reality tv show and I wonder what they're going to do without the campaign ads to support them next week.

The nation's been divided in as many ways as a nation can be divided. 

The poor vs the rich - started by someone who makes at least $400,000 more than your average 'poor' family…and who bailed out the CEO's and then waved t o them as they flew the coop...hmmmm

Race has come across the table.  Aren't we all created equal?  Shouldn't we start acting like it then?  Isn't America the ultimate melting pot?  Not during election years when every race, sex, color, or creed can be and will be used as a platform.  And just look at the media coverage!!!!  The ratings are out of the roof!!!

Sex.  Same sex marriage, traditional marriage...since when should the government know this?  Oh...and let's not forget women...who could forget women...you know those who fought for suffrage only to now turn 180 degrees and be so helpless that the government needs to come in and secure the womb…..yeah I'm particularly bitter about my sex being used as a platform in this election.  At least use a smart woman in the commercial!!!

Religion.  I thought we were of the mind that church and state be separated….not during an election year apparently.  The public has to try and strip the sacred out of the sanctuary.  Again...look at the ratings. 

Gun control, PETA, federal (another word for the government) land grabbing, agriculture issues, immigration, national spending, alternative energy, and other platforms just haven't made as much impact on the ratings - though they've been discussed - and vehemently -  over the course of the year.
This year has shown to be one of those free for all slamming the candidate and dragging the American people into the fray years.   

Any of you recall jumping someone you called friend this year?  Yeah...maybe you'll remember doing that when it's all over...right now you're still filled with the adrenaline of the fight and can't really see who you're hating on.  Don't feel guilty, millions of Americans are right there with you, blindly supporting the media coverage.

Where is Russel Crowe's Gladiator character when you need him - I'd like to see him running across the screen during some of the media coverage of the election screaming "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?"  I feel about the same as he did in the instance he shouted those words.  This is nonsense...and yet...we partake.

I guess now would be a good time to share my two biggest pet peeves of this election.  Really, I only have two!!!  Yes, there's a little sarcasm in there - it is my post!!!    I did say two BIGGEST pet peeves and they are kind of small when you think of everything this election has drawn into it.  

My first pet peeve is $10,000/plate for a fundraising dinner.   You blame the rich but then attend these lunches and dinners?  Kinda contradicts the whole 'it's the rich's fault' there, doesn't it, big guy?  You won't find too many poor people laying out that kind of money to get what they want passed in congress.  Though there are groups that will donate money to send one representative to fight for their joint cause.  Still... $10,000/plate!!!!   

Back when I heard this the selfish side of me said, "That's a lot of barrel racing!"  One plate could send me on the road for over half a year without worrying about pulling a check.  A dinner party of 6 and I'd not have to worry about anything in my hauls!!!

Then the other side of me, the louder voice, the one that really seems to know that I'm not the only person in this world said, "A dinner party of 6 people could pay first year teaching salaries for two teachers"  That's a yearly salary and an estimate, mind you.  It could provide a homeless shelter meals for maybe several months.  12 dinner plates could buy houses for the homeless (our homeless, those on American soil).  If they're fed with food grown in America - that should help out America's farmers.   All of that out of one dinner ( and sometimes it was lunch!!!) but instead it is spent at the chance to buy the presidential election.   Right...but the poor should hate the rich  - it's all their fault.  Sorry, media...my bitterness leans more to the intelligence(or lack there of) bought by this money.  OH...and then...then...and I love this...after this election!!!!  AFTER THIS ELECTION...there might be a change in the campaign spending regulations!!!!!!  REALLY?!?!?!  You think we need one?  More government control!!!!  Power to the people....righttttttttt

My second pet peeve.  Using my sex as a platform!!!  You know my being a woman.  Again I'll mention this $10,000/plate!!!!!!!! $10,000/plate and that's the best commercials you could come up with?  You couldn't buy an intelligent woman to do the acting? 

 THIS is what you come up with

"...this is such a tragic time for women in America."  

Really?   Did you study history?

I hope I am not the only woman in this country who watches that commercial and thinks, "Woman, get your big girl panties on and deal!"  Someone needs to slap the helpless out of those commercials and I'll go further and say slap the women who believe we're lost and alone and HELPLESS.   I have been slow to say much on this because I know I wasn't raised the way the average American woman might have been raised.  Not everyone had my Grandmas, my mom, and my dad as teachers.  I was sat down from an early age and taught about the responsibilities of being a woman.  Those responsibilities being that it is my body, MY BODY, and it is my duty and obligation to take care of it.  It is my duty, MY DUTY, to make the decisions of what happens to it and it is up to me, UP TO ME, to live with those decisions.  And that includes in instances of rape (yes, learning about my rights in such cases was part of my upbringing as well and again I accept the fact that not every woman had the luxury of an open family).

 I'm not going to say 'and incest' with that because I think that adds stupid to an already stupid campaign ad.  Why?  Well...because…. If the incest isn't consensual isn't it rape? And if it was consensual doesn't that make the woman partly responsible and therefore as intelligent as...yeah...I'm gonna stop there cuz it doesn't sound intelligent at all.  And there are those that will say, 'but she was drunk...or...high' yeah, that fact makes the woman sound smarter. Can you feel my sarcasm and disappointment in this campaign platform

I'd like to feel that women are smarter than the campaign ads make them out to be.  I'd like to feel that the government doesn't need to step in and take care of us - because I've seen how governments step in and take care of situations and it's not pretty.  I'd like to still believe that a woman's body is hers, and SHE is going to take care of her and her children regardless of what the public might have to say about her.  I'd also like to point out in cases of abortion it has been around as long as the second oldest profession has been around.  Why...suddenly...is it coming across the table now?  

Two words.  Media coverage.   More than two words.  The reality tv show mentality behind it. 
I've written this blog and I have felt this blog.  I have not approved too many messages of this year's election.